Quality of LifeThe Quality of Life an individual and a community enjoys is impacted in profound ways by that person’s employment and growth of businesses in the community.
The traditional models of just matching job seekers with the first available job is no longer enough to compete in an economy that is global in nature. In fact, Quality of Life issues become the priority. Through our efforts with Region 7B, we’ve identified the four areas in which we can have the greatest impact on quality of life issues: · Economic Development, · Entrepreneurship, · Education and Training, & · Employment and Workforce Development. |
Our VisionOur vision is to serve as a catalyst for positive and proactive quality of life changes in Northeast Michigan.
Through these four areas, we can take out the old model and work with individuals and businesses to help that individual not only find a job but succeed in the job; and help that business to relocate to the area, grow and expand.
We can create climates known for producing new ideas, enable valuable partnerships and be able to attract and retain talented people. Diving into Quality of Life issues we not only increase Northeast Michigan’s competitiveness throughout the State, but now compete in the global economy.
We can create climates known for producing new ideas, enable valuable partnerships and be able to attract and retain talented people. Diving into Quality of Life issues we not only increase Northeast Michigan’s competitiveness throughout the State, but now compete in the global economy.